Tag Archives: exercise

Living with the Book Segment #4

By now some of you may have purchased the 2nd issue of Better Magazine, which was created by Dr. Jen Ashton. In Segment #3, on this blog, I commented on her first issue of the magazine, which you can read about at this link https://hairblues.me/2023/06/19/living-with-the-book-segment-3/.
I always have news you can use 🙂

Photo by Matu Randall on Pexels.com

I assure you this is a magazine you want in your reading pile. The topics provide guidelines on how to live your best healthful life.

Have you thought about Plastic Surgery? Well, if your answer is yes, you will want to read what her “Core Expert” has to say about things you should consider. It is an article you can trust because Dr. Ashton reveals that her brother is a “renowned reconstructive plastic surgeon“…
Do you want advice on how to get more sleep, or what foods you should have in your diet? Do you want to look younger at any age? What is “Exercise Snacking“? These are just some of the topics that you can look forward to reading. And there is a lot more.

In addition, I hear Dr. Jen Ashton is coming out with a 3rd issue of her Better Magazine in May 2024.

Read more about Dr. Ashton at the links below.

Announcing AJENDA — Dr. Ashton Free Newsletter – Click the link to learn more about it.

All the best in Wellness!

Living With the Book: Segment 3

News you can use 🙂

My latest book for recommendation is the new Magazine/Book format of Dr. Jen Ashton’s :
Better with Dr. Jen Ashton.

Photo by Darya Sannikova on Pexels.com

Listen to a summary at the link below of my Wellness Connections podcast episode #54.

Available on Apple, Google and other platforms.

Some of the topics covered in the Magazine/book to name several:

  • Plant-based Eating
  • Exercise suggestions
  • Perimenopause and Menopause Guidelines to Enhance Quality of Life
  • Guideline for Youthful Skin
  • Meditation
  • Sleep and “Brown Noise” Described
  • Why Sleep is Important for a Healthy Heart
  • Nutrition and the Breast Cancer Connection
    • Diabetes – Do’s & Don’ts

Here’s a link to what she has to say about the Magazine/Book with a few illustrations of topics covered.
Expect a Newsletter in the near future as well.

Dr. Ashton invites you to send questions to her on Instagram!
@drjashton #better

All the best in Wellness!

Fountain of Youth Exercises

Alright,  alright, alright…. What if told you the Fountain of Youth is attainable with just a few dedicated exercises done by you?  Yes!
Are you excited?  I bet you are.  There are no big costs involved, and I am eager to share with you what I read recently in an article, which appeared in the New York Times. Below is a summary of the highlights I think you will want to try.

  • Facial Exercises are key.  And, expressive movements.  With these exercises some women who were middle-aged reduced their facial aging by about 3 years!
  • After doing the exercises for an estimate of 8 weeks, results significantly reduced aging by week 20.
  • These exercises targeted the face and neck.

Continue reading Fountain of Youth Exercises

Activity Trackers, Diet & Weight

running-573762_1280An activity tracker is a device or application for monitoring and tracking fitness-related metrics such as distance walked or run, calorie consumption, and in some cases heartbeat and quality of sleep. The term is now primarily used for dedicated electronic monitoring devices that are synced, in many cases wirelessly, to a computer or smartphone for long-term data tracking, an example of wearable technology. There are also independent smartphone apps and Facebook apps. Source: Activity tracker – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedi

Some of the recently popular activity trackers are: Fitbit, AppleWatch, Garmin just to name a few. Are you relying on your activity tracker to also help you lose weight? Continue reading Activity Trackers, Diet & Weight

Why do Yoga?

childpose Yoga

The origins of yoga stretch back to pre-Vedic Indian traditions, but most likely developed around the sixth and fifth centuries BCE, in ancient India‘s ascetic and Å›ramaṇa movements. Yoga – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • One of my favorites is Child Pose, so I checked what some of the benefits are when using the pose, and this is what I found out: It’s super calming, great for digestion, and opens the hips.
  • Another one of my favorite positions is Downward Facing Dog, which is a little harder for me to do, but it has some great benefits also: It brings blood flow to the brain, builds stronger bones, relieves stress.  The blood flow to your face and brain is good for your complexion. This pose is also good for back pain and a mind-body connection.

I know that your time is precious, so why should you spend it doing yoga? You could be doing Zumba or spinning or Tae Kwan Do. Taking a nap, taking a walk, taking a swim. Actually, those things are all great and you should definitely do them. But you should also do yoga. Check out the article below to find out which poses might help you with your daily stress and physical issues.  In future posts I will bring you more information about how to include Yoga in your ‘healthstyle’.

why_yoga.jpg - Hero Images/Getty Images
Hero Images/Getty Images


Unfortunately, stress and its friends worry and anxiety are problems for many people and have been shown to have an adverse effect on health. Yoga is great for relieving the physical symptoms of stress (even during an anxiety attack) and for introducing the idea of quieting the mind. I have often seen yoga act as a gateway to removing stressful personal or workplace situations from peoples’ lives. Yoga can help you get off the hamster wheel and gain perspective on what’s really important. See the details at: http://yoga.about.com/od/beginningyoga/tp/Why-Yoga.htm

last_pic for downward postClick the link below for a demonstration on how to do

Downward Facing Dog

Are You An Exercising Beauty?

How many of you have thought of exercise as part of your beauty regimen? Yes the Ads are filled with suggestions to exercise as a way to lose pounds, but that’s not what I am referring to.  How about what the benefits could be if we thought of exercise as our beauty regimen because it reduces stress and helps our moods in terms of total well-being?  I believe that when you feel better you look better.  So, in future posts, HairBlues will share with you some suggestions for including various exercise techniques to reduce the stress in your day.  Other posts will explain why we want to have exercise in our lives as a part of our beauty regimen.

With that said, have you heard about Downward Facing Dog?  LOL

downward_facing_dog♦ Downward Facing Dog is a Yoga position, which it turns out has many benefits as listed below. Make sure to check out the video by clicking the link at the end of this post.

♦ The pose is so good for many of the things that plague our society today: fatigue, back pain and stiffness from sitting all day

It wakes you up. Sophie Herbert cites B.S.K. Iyengar, the 94-year-old founder of Iyengar yoga, who says that Downward Dog is one of the best poses you can do when you’re fatigued. “He recommends at least a minute in the pose,” she says, “to bring back lost energy for runners after a hard race.” It works equally well, she adds, for those of us who are just tired from a long day at the office.

It eliminates stiffness and back pain. “I find it’s good for people who get pain in their shoulders and upper back,” says Herbert. “Practicing it with proper alignment can make your upper back more flexible and less likely to store so much tension.”

It builds bone density.  Postures line Downward Dog as well as more difficult arm balances that place weight on the arms and shoulders are great for building upper body strength and preserving bone density

It boosts circulation. Any pose where the heart is above the head is a good one for the circulatory system, because it encourages blood flow throughout the body. An active circulatory system helps flush toxins from our body, keep our immune system in tip-top shape, and helps regulate blood pressure.

If you have high blood pressure, talk to your doctor before attempting downward dog, as well. It’s a good check in with your body. Herbert says that yoga classes spend so much time in Downward Dog because it’s a good way to “take inventory” about how you’re feeling. “It stretches your arms, legs and back all at once, and you can take notice of what feels good and what you need to work on.” via Get 6 Amazing Benefits From Practicing Downward Dog: Flash: Self.com.

Check out the Video at the link below.

♦ The next time you peer into the bathroom mirror and notice any crow’s-feet, bunny lines or other facial wrinkles, you may want to consider busting into a downward-facing dog to slow down these signs of aging.

♦ According to Kimberly Fowler, owner of Yas Fitness Studios in Los Angeles, yoga in general is anti-aging as it helps with achieving flexibility and reducing stress. via Anti-Aging Yoga Poses: Can The Downward-Facing Dog Take Years Off Your Look? (VIDEO).

I hope this is helpful!   last_pic for downward post