Category Archives: Hair Loss Tips

A Conversation (or two) About Bald Beauty

For more than 10 years now, I have written about hair loss, bald beauty, and the stigma attached to being bald when you’re a woman.

I am happy to share the link below with refreshing takes on what some women think about being bald and their beauty statement because of it.

Photo by Baris Selcen on

First hair loss post below:

Keep is beautiful ladies! Happy Holidays!

The Hair Loss Conversation

I am struck so much by the unfortunate display of sadness about the alopecia conversation. I started the blog 10 years ago, and still, after all this time, women, and I might add, men, and children continue to be troubled by this condition. That’s why the Alopecia industry is such a big industry: wigs, solutions, and potions that promise delivery of new locks.
When you find a moment, listen to my brief podcast about this challenge.

This podcast is available on Apple podcast, Google podcast, and other platforms of your choice. 
Just click this link to select:

We can get to the moon, but we have not solved this problem yet – unless we accept that “beauty” comes in all forms. The sooner we get in touch with that the sooner we will not find ourselves witnessing painful incidents of what is pre-determined as “beauty” by how one’s hair grows and looks.

By the way, does anyone remember the beautiful Black women in the Black Panther film who are bald?

Following is a post that I wrote on this blog March 2013 about hair loss.

Continue reading The Hair Loss Conversation

Hair Loss & New Remedies

Those of us who suffer from hair loss remain hopeful that new remedies for this problem will continue to come forward and become more available. After all, we can go to Jupiter right?  The hair loss issue is ongoing, complex and continues to grow.  Even Instagram Star Kayla Itsines thought it was important enough to share her hair loss. I think it’s comforting for young women who are feeling ‘singled-out’ and scared to know they are not alone, and it’s not just a ‘senior citizen’ problem 🙂

Having said that, I am encouraged by a recent article in the New York Times about a Danish company, Harklinikken.  This company is opening clinics in the US.  Yes! Read a summary of what I learned.  As always you can view the entire article on your own by clicking the source link. Continue reading Hair Loss & New Remedies

FYI – Hair Loss is a Lonely Feeling

lonely_hairbluesAnyone suffering from hair loss knows it is a very lonely feeling. She also knows that anytime she sees an article about Hair Loss that she is  immediately drawn into what that person’s experience is like, and what she can learn from the other experience.  Such was the case as I was standing on the checkout line in the grocery store when I spotted the title article in the March 2013 Family Circle magazine,  “The Health Problem 30 Million Women Have…Are You One of Them?”  How could I resist reading this article?  Shouldn’t I be informed about this problem?  And sure enough, just as I had suspected, the article was about Hair Loss.

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I bet many of you had no idea the number had gone up so dramatically — 30 Million Women!  Yet, even with that news, it still is a very personal experience to each of us who is going through it, and who struggles daily with how to attack, or solve this condition.  Many of you may think that you did something to cause this condition. Many of you are wondering if there are any cures out there, which may help to slow down this process.  Similar to the condition itself, help seems to be very slow coming.

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Penny Musco’s article “What Happened to My Hair” will not tell you of any miracle cures.  She does not paint a ‘rosey’ picture for you about the turmoil of hair loss.  What she does do, that may help some of you, is she accepts the facts for her particular situation, and eventually accepts herself.  Her family (including her husband) still loves her, and she does not feel ‘shame’ anymore for having lost her hair. Although many of the “solutions’ she tried did not work for her, it does not mean it will not work for you.  I suggest you use her “4 step plan to save your strands”.

1. Get to a dermatologist, pronto.

2. Opt for medical procedures first.

3. Consider cosmetic solutions second.

4. Be Patient.

Read her article at:

I hope this is helpful! hairblues_helpful

What’s wrong with tight braids?

black woman standing near green plant
Photo by Matheus Henrin on

For generations African-American girls have had their hair braided because it is a traditional belief that it would help their hair to grow.

Nowadays, there is talk about braids “causing” hair loss. At HairBlues we think it is important enough to investigate what some of the causes of hair loss and braids may be.  Below are tips we found online that may help to ease this problem, which appears to happen more often these days.  Don’t forget to click on the link provided at the end of the highlighted tips to get  detailed information.

Beauty should not hurt! If your head hurts, it’s because your hair is braided too tightly, or you have too much extension hair added. In either situation, this doesn’t bode well for the future of your hairline. Some braiders may tell you to take an aspirin and the pain should be gone by morning, but any pain is an indicator that something is wrong.

Use warm water to loosen them: Take a shower and let the water cascade over your hair. You may need to gently rub your scalp to loosen the braids a little. This is not the time to worry about how much money you just spent and how much time it took to style these braids, so don’t think about that! Concern yourself with loosening up this tight style and saving your hairline.

Remove them: Yes, remove any braids that are causing little bumps to pop up on your scalp. This is not normal and can lead to hair loss down the road, especially if you make a habit of wearing tight braid styles.

Do yourself a favor and see how your head feels when you’re still in the stylist’s chair. Does it hurt while she’s braiding? That’s the time to ask her to ease up on your hair.

 Do not return to tight braiders: Some braiders are notoriously hard on hair. Once should be enough to tell you that this is someone who doesn’t care about the health of your scalp. via What Can I Do about Tight Braids.

FYI –Traction Alopecia:By Del Sandeen

Definition: A condition where constant pulling and tension on an area of the hair results in thinning, breakage and/or hair loss. This is commonly seen in women and children who braid the hair too tightly particularly at the hairline or wear the same style over extended periods of time, not allowing the scalp and hair follicles to “rest.”via Traction Alopecia.

 I hope this is helpful !

Tips for blow drying your hair

Ladies – are you blow drying your hair too much? Do you know how much is “too much”? Well neither do we.  However,  have you thought about air drying your hair occasionally, or not washing your hair so often? Below are some tips and great suggestions we found online about what you can do to avoid hair loss by damaging your hair when using a blow dryer.  Don’t forget to click on the links provided to get further details.

As far as blow dryer heat goes don’t use the high heat setting except in the beginning when hair is still very wet, once hair starts to feel mostly dry it’s time to turn down the heat.

 If you start to smell hairs burning it’s time to use the cold shot if you have one to cool it. Once hair is damaged from burning or any other way it is permanent.

The only way to really get rid of damaged hair is to cut it off, which you will in time.

 If you curl your hair with hot rollers or curling irons you can go old school every now and then and use regular rollers and rags like they used to before all of these hairstyling tools were invented.

 One last way to help prevent blow dryer damage is to use hair protectants. There are many on the market these days designed specifically to apply to hair before blow drying for this purpose.

Read more:

I hope this is helpful

Disguising Your True Beauty

How many disguises have you created since you learned that you would be counted among the innumerable women undergoing hair loss? HairBlues has written about it before, and although hair loss by itself is not a life threatening process, it does indeed bring high concern, and anxiety to many.  The stories at the Women’s Hair Loss Project blog brings us further understanding of what it can be like to find yourself in this predicament. At the same time, there are also uplifting stories from women who have managed to get married, have productive lives, and moved on with this challenge in hand.  We hope you will too.

At HairBlues we feel compassion for those many women who have not found their comfort level yet.  We can only hope they discover that with, or without, their disguises in reality their true beauty is within them.  Surely, others really looking for true beauty will find it in them too.

The American Hair Loss Association has given some guidelines for attacking hair loss proactively.  Make sure to visit the blog when the opportunity is right for you.

Oral Contraceptives are a common cause of hair loss for many women today. Women who use oral contraceptives need to be sure they are taking a low androgen index pill. Read More…via American Hair Loss Association – Womens Hair Loss.

 Women are in a “Catch-22” position when it comes to drug treatments for androgenetic alopecia. While many drugs may work to some degree for some women, doctors are reluctant to prescribe them, and drug companies aren’t exactly falling over themselves to test existing or new drugs specifically for their ability to prevent and treat female pattern baldness. via American Hair Loss Association – Women’s Hair Loss / Treatment.

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I hope this is helpful !

ReCreating Your Look . . .

Occasionally you may want to ‘recreate your look.  Weaves give you a way to change your ‘outward personality‘, and maybe, the attitude that goes with it! 🙂 In addition, weaves  give you an opportunity to take care of your ‘natural hair’ when it needs some time to repair or refresh from the experiments  you put it through.  🙂

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  HairBlues tries to find the best solutions and suggestions at the various websites, which cover the topics featured on this page.   Check out the tips found for protecting your hair underneath your weave. There were any number of  sites that provided many and fascinating suggestions on what to do during this beauty transition period.  Some of the suggestions I liked are listed below.  As always, for the detailed information provided by each site, click on the link at the end of each topic.

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Del Sandeen  Black Hair Guide had four (4) main suggestions:

(1) Shampoo and Condition, (2) Apply Oils to Your Scalp, (3) Don’t Neglect the Weave (4) Remove it After Six to Eight Weeks.

Read the details why at this link – Take Care of Your Hair Under the Weave.

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Taking Care of Your Hair: Weave Edition

Ladies, we all view our hair as precious. But if you’ve noticed that your hair is damaged, you have two options. 1. To cut it or 2. To save it. A lot of ladies are able to save the damaged hair through weaves or wigs, but remember if you choose this option you MUST take care of your hair underneath it all. via Hair De La Crème: Taking Care of Your Hair: Weave Edition.

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I hope this is helpful 🙂

Using Vinegar for Healthy Locks

Like the Seasons… … … … … We Change

Each of us is having a personal experience with our Locks. At times it’s exasperating, let alone, scary. 😦   For those of you struggling to handle your hair loss, I urge you not to give up. Use this as a time of beauty exploration. Treat yourself to a new look. Experiment. Use a new shampoo, or new hair gel, or new hair comb :).  Change is good!  We are the seasons of the universe.  That’s a beautiful thing.


How many of you knew that Vinegar can be used to help you with various hair issues?  Do you know that Vinegar has been used to treat hair loss? Below are some of the things I learned about Vinegar use for your hair and what it can do:

  • Restore shine
  • Clean and improve scalp health
  • Reduce dandruff

Check out for yourself what I found at other websites, and what they had to say about Vinegar. Just click on the link at the end of the summary.

Mix up other natural beauty products with vinegar for healthy hair. Use 1 ounce of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 egg for your next shampoo. Put the ingredients in the blender and then use as a shampoo. Rinse it with a complimentary mixture made from herbs and vinegar. Use 1/4 cup fresh lavender (or other herb you favor) with a quart of boiling water poured over it. When the mixture cools, strain out the lavender and add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Use a cup as a final rinse. Store it in the refrigerator in a closed container.via Is Vinegar Good for Your Hair? |

Vinegar for Hair

Most naturalistas are well versed in the benefits of ACV on natural hair, but if you’re not – allow me to fill you in. Vinegar is a great clarifier, and it makes for clean, shiny hair. This simple recipe from Natural Review lets you know what to do, and this vintage BGLH post breaks down exactly why. I usually just rinse my hair at the end with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (Braggs is a popular brand for that), and also using vinegar on my scalp once a month has helped me deal with flakes in the past.via The Beauty Benefits of Vinegar for Hair and Skin | Afrobella.

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HairBlues  Suggestion:

If you don’t want to mix up a potion all on your own, below is a link to an already prepared product I used. The directions were easy to follow. It left my scalp feeling refreshed, and my hair squeaky clean.  The instructions on the bottle recommend that you use it twice a month.  If you have concerns that your hair will smell like vinegar after giving yourself a treatment,  use a nice smelling conditioner of your choice. 🙂

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Our organic apple cider vinegar rinse slows hair loss and promotes new growth by dissolving excess DHT, unblocking hair follicles and stimulating scalp circulation. The acids and enzymes in this treatment may kill the pathogens associated with Alopecia hair loss. via Natural Herbal Hair Rinse for Hair Loss Remedy,Vinegar Hair Loss.

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I hope this is helpful.  🙂

Hair Tip: Peppermint for Volume

I love peppermint tea, candy, and the smell can also be calming to help you de-stress.  Here’s a piece of information that  I found at a great site that has lots of tips for hair, among other things.


If you want to achieve volume with lift at the roots, opt for a volumizing shampoo that contains peppermint, recommends Daily Beauty, a blog produced by NewBeauty magazine. Because peppermint has a stimulating effect on your scalp, it makes your hair follicles stick straight up, creating volume. via Volumizing Shampoo Ingredients | LIVESTRONG.COM.

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